Specialist Programs

Future Pathways Program (FPP)

The Future Pathways Program is for Year 11 and 12 students who are wanting to remain engaged in their education and are seeking an alternative to the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

Students complete qualifications, endorsed programs and certificate level training focused on preparation for work and further training. The program is delivered at Champion Bay Senior High School and in partnership with offsite service providers and organisations.

The Future Pathways Program is a 2 year program. At the completion of Year 12, students will receive a Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) and a Student Portfolio of completed certificates. 

  • increase their attendance in Years 11 and 12 
  • improve their Literacy and Numeracy skills 
  • complete accredited qualifications and certificates
  • improve their work readiness and access to further education and training and/or employment beyond school
  • currently enrolled at Champion Bay Senior Highschool
  • motivated to graduate Year 12
  • able to work in a small group setting
  • strong interest in further training and employment opportunities.
  • Certificate II level training
  • Endorsed programs (eg Keys 4 Life, Recreational Pursuits, Woodwork or Community Service)
  • TAFE courses or Skills Sets
  • Work Experience
  • Pastoral care and wellbeing support
  • FPP Student Portfolio.

Contact the CBSHS Administration Office to enquire about enrolling in FPP.

Student selection and Information – Term 2

Information about FPP is provided to prospective students and guardians.

Follow-up – Term 3

FPP staff will follow up with guardians and book enrolment meetings.

Enrolment Meeting – Term 4

Enrolment meeting with FPP staff, Guardian/s and student to complete the Enrolment Forms.

Please contact the Front Office
9965 8300