Meet the Team

Team Leaders & Year Coordinators

Students in lower secondary at Champion Bay Senior High School are organised into Student Teams. Teams consist of classes from Years 7 to 9.

Each Team is led by a Team Leader who oversees the overall wellbeing of all students and staff within the Team. Students in each Team are taught by a team of specialist teachers in Maths, English, Science and HASS. 

Teams are designed to develop strong and lasting working relationships with teachers, students and families. As a result of this collaborative approach, students’ individual academic, social, emotional and behavioural needs are met through the implementation of the appropriate support, strategies and interventions. The welcoming and inclusive Team structure provides a strong sense of belonging for students.

Ongoing opportunities allow for students to develop their life-skills through a range of Team activities. Student achievement is often acknowledged and celebrated in regular Team assemblies. Working together as a team is essential in achieving our school vision for every student.

Years 7-9

Erin Dawson

Team 1

Mei Tuicolo

Team 2

Kate Crowe

Team 3

Maddy Hughes

Team 4

Years 10-12

Marnie Bell

Year 10

Emma Forrester

Year 11

Liam Chinnery

Year 12